To make our time together pleasant and seamless, please follow these guidelines upon arrival.
Deposits legitimize your inquiry and convey that you are sincere and have no intention of wasting my time. Paying a deposit also ensures your selected time and date will be solidified & not subject to rescheduling. In the even your selected time and date is requested by someone willing to pay a deposit you will be given the option to pay a deposit for your selected time or reschedule.
Please respect my time with punctuality, if you are delayed please tell me as soon as you are aware. Deposits spent on preparing accommodations cannot be refunded once purchased. In the rare event I need to cancel an appointment you will be refunded immediately.
I do not appreciate reviews no matter how positive. Please respect my privacy to the same extent you wish for yours and do not review me without my consent. You may make it known that you have seen me and reply to inquiries privately. I do not consent to being publicly reviewed
Donations are in exchange for my time and companionship only. Anything else that may occur is a separate matter between two consenting adults of legal age and is not contracted for, nor is it requested to be contracted for in any manner. By contacting me you are agreeing to these terms.